How to Shoot Airbnb Bedrooms That Sell?

If you're an Airbnb host, you know that great photos can make or break your listing. Your potential guests are browsing through dozens of listings, and stunning images can be the deciding factor that makes them choose your property. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to shoot Airbnb bedrooms that sell, ensuring your photos are both inviting and professional.

1. Preparation is Key

Before you even pick up your camera, preparation is crucial. Start by thoroughly cleaning and decluttering the bedroom. A neat and tidy space not only looks more appealing but also conveys that you care about the guest experience. Here are some tips to prepare your Airbnb bedroom for the photoshoot:

  • Clean Every Corner: Dust, vacuum, and wipe down surfaces. Ensure that windows are spotless to let in as much natural light as possible.

  • Declutter: Remove personal items and unnecessary decorations. Aim for a minimalist look to make the space feel larger and more inviting.

  • Fresh Linens: Use crisp, clean bedding. Consider adding a pop of color with throw pillows or a blanket to create a visually appealing bed setup.

  • Simple Decorations: Add a few tasteful decorations, such as a vase of fresh flowers, a stack of books, or a piece of artwork. These elements can make the room feel cozy without overwhelming the space.

  • Personal Touches: Small personal touches, like a welcome note or a guidebook with local tips, can add charm to the room and make guests feel more at home.

2. Lighting is Everything

Lighting can transform a room and make it look either warm and inviting or cold and unappealing. Natural light is your best friend when shooting Airbnb bedrooms. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Shoot During the Day: Take your photos during daylight hours when the sun is at its brightest. Mid-morning or early afternoon usually provides the best light.

  • Open Curtains and Blinds: Let as much natural light in as possible. Open curtains and blinds fully to brighten the room.

  • Use Artificial Light Sparingly: If natural light is insufficient, use lamps and overhead lights to supplement. Ensure that all light sources are the same type to avoid color discrepancies in your photos.

  • Avoid Harsh Shadows: Position yourself and your camera to minimize harsh shadows. If necessary, use a white sheet or reflector to bounce light into darker areas.

  • Experiment with Angles: Different angles can change the way light interacts with the room. Take test shots from various positions to find the best lighting.

3. Master Your Camera Settings

You don’t need a professional camera to take great photos, but understanding basic camera settings can make a huge difference. Here are some essential tips:

  • Use a Tripod: A tripod ensures your camera is steady, resulting in clear, sharp images. It also allows you to use slower shutter speeds without introducing blur.

  • Adjust Exposure: Ensure your photos are neither too dark nor too bright. Most cameras and smartphones have an exposure adjustment feature.

  • Wide-Angle Lens: If you have access to a wide-angle lens, use it. It helps capture more of the room, making the space appear larger.

  • Focus: Make sure your photos are in sharp focus, particularly on key elements like the bed and any decorations.

  • Aperture Settings: Use a small aperture (high f-number) to keep the entire room in focus. This is especially important for wide shots of the bedroom.

  • ISO Settings: Use a low ISO setting to minimize noise and ensure your photos are crisp and clear.

4. Composition Techniques

Good composition draws the viewer's eye and makes your photos more engaging. Here are some composition tips for shooting Airbnb bedrooms:

  • Rule of Thirds: Imagine dividing your photo into a 3x3 grid. Place important elements along these lines or at their intersections.

  • Leading Lines: Use lines in the room, such as the edges of furniture or the angle of the bed, to guide the viewer’s eye through the photo.

  • Symmetry: Symmetrical compositions can be very pleasing to the eye. Center the bed or use symmetrical decorations to create balance.

  • Variety of Angles: Take photos from different angles. Capture the room from the doorway, from each corner, and from a bird’s-eye view if possible.

  • Detail Shots: Include close-up shots of interesting details like decorative pillows, artwork, or unique features. These shots add variety and interest to your photo set.

5. Highlight Key Features

Your Airbnb bedroom likely has unique features that set it apart. Highlight these features in your photos:

  • Comfortable Bed: The bed is the focal point of any bedroom. Ensure it looks inviting with fluffed pillows and neatly arranged linens.

  • Storage Solutions: If you have ample closet space or stylish storage options, showcase these. Guests often appreciate knowing where they can store their belongings.

  • Work Space: If there’s a desk or a cozy reading nook, include these in your photos. Many guests look for spaces where they can work or relax.

  • Views: If your bedroom offers a beautiful view, make sure to capture it. Open the windows and show the scenery that guests can enjoy.

  • Unique Decor: Highlight any unique or interesting decor items that give your room character. This can include vintage furniture, quirky artwork, or handmade crafts.

6. Post-Processing

After taking your photos, a bit of editing can make them look even more professional. Here are some basic post-processing tips:

  • Brightness and Contrast: Adjust the brightness and contrast to make the room look well-lit and vibrant.

  • Color Correction: Ensure the colors in your photos are true to life. Correct any color casts that might have occurred due to lighting.

  • Straighten Lines: Use editing software to straighten any lines that appear crooked. This is especially important for wide-angle shots.

  • Crop for Composition: If necessary, crop your photos to improve composition and remove any distracting elements.

  • Sharpening: Apply a slight sharpening effect to make the details in your photos stand out.

  • Remove Imperfections: Use retouching tools to remove any small imperfections or blemishes that may have been overlooked during the shoot.

7. Showcase the Entire Space

While focusing on the bedroom is important, giving potential guests an idea of the entire property can also be beneficial. Include a few photos of other key areas such as the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. This gives guests a complete picture of what they can expect.

  • Living Room: Highlight the comfort and amenities in the living room. Show seating arrangements, entertainment options, and any unique features like a fireplace.

  • Kitchen: Include photos of the kitchen, emphasizing cleanliness and available appliances. Show countertops, the stove, and any special amenities like a coffee maker.

  • Bathroom: Clean, well-lit photos of the bathroom are essential. Make sure to capture the shower or tub, vanity, and any provided toiletries.

8. Professional Photography vs. DIY

Deciding whether to hire a professional photographer or to take the photos yourself can be challenging. Here are some pros and cons of each option:

Professional Photography


  • High-Quality Images: Professionals have the skills and equipment to capture stunning images.

  • Time-Saving: Hiring a photographer saves you the time and effort of learning and doing it yourself.

  • Expert Editing: Professional photographers often include editing services to ensure your photos look their best.


  • Cost: Hiring a professional can be expensive, which may not be feasible for all hosts.

  • Scheduling: You’ll need to coordinate schedules, which can sometimes be inconvenient.

DIY Photography


  • Cost-Effective: Doing it yourself can save money, especially if you already have a decent camera.

  • Flexibility: You can shoot at your convenience, without having to coordinate with a professional.

  • Learning Experience: You’ll gain valuable photography skills that you can use for future listings.


  • Time-Consuming: Learning how to take great photos and editing them can take a lot of time.

  • Variable Quality: Without professional experience, your photos may not be as high-quality as those taken by a pro.

9. Updating Your Photos

It’s important to keep your listing photos up-to-date. Here’s when you should consider updating your Airbnb photos:

  • Seasonal Changes: Update your photos to reflect different seasons, especially if your property looks significantly different (e.g., a garden in full bloom during spring).

  • Renovations: If you’ve made any significant changes or upgrades to your property, take new photos to showcase these improvements.

  • New Decor: Regularly refresh your photos if you change the decor or furnishings in your bedroom.

  • Feedback: Pay attention to guest feedback. If guests comment on aspects of your listing that are not accurately depicted in your photos, it’s time for an update.

10. Marketing Your Photos

Once you have beautiful photos, make sure they are effectively used in your marketing efforts:

  • Airbnb Listing: Ensure your photos are prominently displayed on your Airbnb listing. Use the best photo as the main image to attract clicks.

  • Social Media: Share your photos on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to reach a wider audience.

  • Website: If you have a website for your rental, make sure to feature your photos prominently.

  • Email Marketing: Use your photos in email marketing campaigns to attract repeat guests and new bookings.


Shooting Airbnb bedrooms that sell involves a combination of preparation, good lighting, proper camera settings, and thoughtful composition. By highlighting the best features of your space and ensuring your photos are bright and inviting, you can attract more bookings and set your listing apart from the competition. Remember, great photos are an investment in your Airbnb business, and taking the time to get them right can pay off in increased bookings and satisfied guests.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating stunning photos that showcase your Airbnb bedroom in the best possible light. Happy hosting!


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